When is the next shopupdate?
I don’t know, I don’t plan them. Ceramics take time, and sometimes they take more time than expected. However, most of the time I do know when the next update is “sort of”. Whenever I have some sort of idea I will post it on instagram, and put it in my profile on there. There will always be at the very least a month in between shopupdates.

When I know for sure, I will do an instagram post and put it on the right side of my site. Instagram is by far my favorite media though.

Do you ship worldwide?
Yes I do!

Can I pre-order or make a reservation?
No this is not possible. I don’t think that’s fair for others. Also this way of working with shop updates allows me to focus completely on the making when I need to, and on the messaging and packing orders when that is needed.
I can make something just for you of course, email me if you have questions or anything. If you want it before a specific date keep in mind that it takes about 1,5 month to make it and send it.

If you have any other questions please send me an email!