
I just came back from a few days in Janas (Portugal) with Sophie. We stayed at the beautiful little eco farm Aldeia, which was home to a few workers, volunteers, animals and some Airbnb-people (including us). I bought a camera a while ago, and Portugal was the perfect place to spend some time practicing while also gathering some (read: a lot) images to share in a blog (’cause that’s been a while innit).

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Hairy situation

So a while ago I asked a question on Instagram. I was wondering if people shaved or not, and why they did or didn’t do it, also any other thoughts were welcome. 

I’m overall just a really nosy person, always really curious about other peoples opinions about stuff like this, and about their experiences and so fort. Luckily a lot of people answered! So today I just wanted to write something about the whole thing.

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Doing well, being boring

I’ve been itching to write lately, lots of things have happened and also not much at all. I’ve had so many thoughts go through my head which I’d like to write about.. so many that in the end I never really did start writing. Ideas without choosing is paralysis right? (I’m afraid I’m quoting Eat Pray Love now.. but it might be Tiny House Nation as well, anyway I could relate)(also the real quote was a bit more eloquent.. this is what I remembered of it).  So I decided I would just write something.. and see if and how it goes from there.

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Well this is awkward

Hiiiii I’m back, sort of, not saying I’m here writing every day/week/month again from now on. Just checking in at least. Letting everybody that doesn’t follow me on instagram know I am -indeed- still alive. And kicking, for that matter. Let’s do a quick recap of the past months alright?

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Afgelopen tijd: 1000 jaar geleden

Oke wauw dat is lang geleden (vandaar de toepasselijke foto met klok). Ik wil al sinds vorig jaar met meer regelmaat schrijven maar er zit een verschil tussen iets echt willen en in iets willen. Sommige dingen daar heb je zo veel zin in, dat doe je gewoon. Dit was duidelijk toch niet zo’n ding. Of ik nu uiteindelijk met meer regelmaat meer schrijven weet ik niet, maar in ieder geval een update. Ik probeer het kort te houden.

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